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  The Monitor Tool and the Monitor Window

With the monitor tool, you have two windows. The auxiliary one displays what is selected into the normal window, even after you switch to another tool. The monitor window title reports the central frequency of the region shown. To change the contents of the monitor window, select another region, still with the monitor tool. You can resize and reposition windows as you like. For example you can keep the main window small and the monitor at almost full screen, or vice versa.

Full + Monitor

If you press the alt key, the command: 'View / Full' becomes: 'Full + Monitor'. The normal window is shrinked considerably and the monitor takes much more space. The command also includes the standard 'View / Full'. This is the ideal combination to select any region to expand in the shortest amount of time. The key '5' can swap the roles of the two windows. Just try it to see what happens.

Creation of Insets

The monitor can be fixed permanently into a window, in the form of an inset, with the command: 'View / Fix Inset'. Be sure to position the monitor correctly inside the window of the same spectrum, before fixing it.

For the user's convenience, when creating a 2D inset, the top and left margins are removed. The reason is that the projections are not retained, so what's the use of those margins? The consequence is that the inset looks different (hopefully better) than the monitor window. If you remove the margins from the main plot, the inset will look just like the parent monitor window.

Basic Properties

The inset, once fixed, does not respond to the commands. For example, if you create the inset with integrals and without scale, you cannot, apparently, hide the integrals or show the scale. Data points, however, are always borrowed from the big picture; if you reprocess the spectrum, the inset will display the reprocessed spectrum, not the data it was created with.
The command “View/Remove Insets” removes all the insets contained into a page. If you are rotating the insets (see below) and one of the insets is marked with a frame, the same command deletes that inset only (the command becomes: “Remove This Plot”).

Rotating the Insets

There is no intrinsic difference between an inset and the main plot. The only difference is that the main plot responds to your commands and the inset does not. With the key “7” you can swap the roles: the inset becomes the main plot and the main plot becomes an inset like any other. Now you can manipulate (what was) the inset. For example you can change its position and its proportions. With “7” you rotate forward through all the insets, while with “9” you rotate backward. Each time, the main plot becomes framed, to show what the target of your commands is. To hide/show the frame, press “8”. Continuing the rotation, you'll be back to the original main plot. This is necessary, because iNMR never return by itself.

See also


